Saturday, December 30, 2006
Apple Jacks forgot his ski bag (we're leaving to go to Jackson Hole soon) and needed me to "find" it. Ugh, that was annoying that he forgot it but... find being the operative word... my annoyance doesn't end there.
This boy is a pack rat in ever since of the word but the singers. He keeps everything. He has broken light fixtures, boxes full of year old bills and such under a basket of more bills. If anyone knows me they know I'm organized. I have files color coded. I do detailed book keeping. I know where my shit it. Apple... doesn't. Annoying
"The ski bag is in the storage place." Descriptive... I know... why it didn't jump out at me from... behind the air duct and under a suit case full of god knows what but by the look of the edges sticking out of the seam I'm guessing bills... I don't know... Yes annoying.
Now, Apple Jacks is near and dear to my heart. Nothing he's actually done has any right to annoy me... it just is... and that's annoying all on it's own. Like a downward spiral... the sock on the floor is annoying me but I know it shouldn't be annoying me and than that annoys me and then it causes the PILE of mail on the side board to annoy me... but really what did the mail to do me other than be at least a year old and never move. It keeps going.
So now I'm going to tempt fate... I'm going to drive into the city to see Mr. C. Me... driving in the city... not always a good pair. But I have the direction... I have my book on tape so hopefully this annoyance bug will go away.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Post Gluttony
My dad practicing with his new "club"
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Christmas... yeah I fixed it
But I love Christmas. I love buying people gifts. I especially love getting gifts. I love the Christmas lights, the sent of pine in the air. I'm not as crazy about the holidays as Amy, she starts the Christmas carols the day after thanksgiving, but seeing the tree in Tilden Park all lit up makes me smile.
Friday, December 15, 2006
My life and too much of it
Okay now we're in to January... I work then head to Thunder Hill (car event) for the weekend. Come home and work, and breath before I pack up and head out to Palm Springs for a horse show the last weekend of January.
Now we're into Feb... a hell month for me... one that not only has the expectations of V-day with it's heart and chocolate but also my birthday. I spend the first weekend back down in Palm Springs to ride come home... work... fly to the Bahamas for a week (I know boo hoo for me). Come home on V-day (poor Apple Jacks... and my silly girl expectations) and five days later go to a track event at the ever famous Laguna Seca. The ending day of the event is my Birthday (I love my Birthday, and day where I get to feel like the world revolves around me, where I get gifts, where I'm truly special... that day kicks ass). And now the Spinster has invited me to go to New York City, leaving 48 hours after I'd have gotten home from the track event.
Here it is. I've never been to the big apple. I'd love to go, especially with a bunch of crazy girls to paint the town red and pretend to be Ms. Hilton and Ms. Richie and be debotiourious (yes, spelled wrong). "You can sleep when you're dead!" She said to me, "you're only young once." All of this is true, but here is the thing, I'm a bitch when I don't get much sleep, and I don't feel so young.
So I'm tangled up about what to do... I want to go, but at the same time I want to spend some time at home. I want to do NYC right, not rushed and hung over. I want to have tons of $$$$ to spend endlessly on all the same things I could buy right here in Union Square but with a beauty of the NYC on it. Maya might be able to join us down from Rochester, Emily might be able to join, though I think she'll be dieing from studying.
I know I work all of 10 hours at week at one job, 11 hours at another, substitute one day a week and babysit one day a week. On a busy week I work 50 hrs. On a slow week I work 20 hrs. I constantly feel like I have to justify my busyness. I'm just worried that I'm too busy... that I'll burn out... that it's irresponsible for me to take even more time off to do "personal" stuff. I just... I want to sit on the couch and watch TV.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Meeting General Mills the Makers of Apple Jacks
This has been a family filled weekend. Apple Jacks' parents were in town. They were in the LA area for a conference and flew up to see two of their children that live up here. Now, I haven't even meet Apple Jacks' brother (due to time) so when I hear, "We're going to have dinner with my parents and my brother on Friday." I get a little... excited. Oddly I wasn't worried if the 'rents were going to like me or not, I know Apple Jacks doesn't hold their opinions high in his mind, but I still wanted to make a good impression. I am dating their oldest child.
Friday: Apple Jacks is in a fine mood, not. His brother picked a restaurant that happened to be about as far away as London. His parents ditched his idea on a hotel and picked a lesser hotel right near the freeway in Oakland. And it was pouring rain. I meet the folks, and the term fits them well. Dad was just what I expected: dry humor and quiet. Mom was just quiet. I tried so hard to make conversation in the car ride from the hotel to the restaurant, but we get a little lost and Apple Jacks isn't in a conversation conducing mood. Long and short, we make it to the restaurant where their is no parking. Apple drops us off, that's right leaving me alone with Mom and Dad. We go inside to find brother already there. Brother asks me questions, and we chat about things I expected him to know about me but then I remember how not close Apple is to these people. It feels like 15 min has past, no Apple. Suddenly, the power goes out. The wait staff bring out candles and we keep eating our hore'dervs. Then another 15 min and in from the door is Apple Jacks soaked head to toe and REALLY pissed off. "It's REALLY FUCKING SHITTY OUTSIDE." He says as he sits down. His dad looks at him and goes, "What makes it really fucking shitty and not just crappy outside." At this point Mom, who's been semi oblivious to the banter that had started say, "Oh look, the rain is going sideways out there."
If this didn't make of an awkward enough evening the food we were eating was crab, wear a bib around your neck, use your fingers, sucking on some shells crab. Dinner was... interesting... trying to eat food you can hardly see, and with people you hardly know. We finally finish, wash hands and head outside. The boys go and get the cars and once again I'm left with the parents. We talk weather... which last about three sentences. We are silent more or less the whole car ride home and drop them back off at their hotel with some sort of plan about brother coming over the bay to have brunch. We say our nice to meet you's and Day 1 of the parents is done.
Yes, there is another day of his parents where the conversation has more flow and I care much less about "impressing" them and more about chatting it up with his brother's girlfriend. We said our nice to meet you's again and goodbyes and drive carfully's. I now have an understanding of the makings of the sugary sweet that is Apple Jacks.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
My Christmas
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Friends Father Died
I know you're old and this shuttle job isn't your dream job. I know you probably do it just to keep yourself busy and keep out of your wife's hair for a few hours a day. But really... you were going 60 on the freeway. This is California, people go 80 on the freeway on average. We were getting passed, while getting dirty looks, on both sides. But that's not all. It was the picking of your nail. No, not even that. It was the looking down and picking at your nail. Really eyes on the road PLEASE! Last, but not least the coughing. I know at times it's uncontrollable and I do thank you for rolling down the window to cough out it, but it was the swerve the car did when you went to turn your head. My life flashed before my eyes.
I hope you made it home safe,
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Desisions... you've just got to live with them
Okay lets skip a head>>>>
Aug. I've interviewed for several other schools. Just as a note not for the schools I worked my ass off for the past school year. No, the four or five openings they had... no I wasn't good enough. Oh, but I can get stompped on for three months. ANYWAY, it's Aug. and I have no teaching job in site. I was offered, and took, a personal assisting job for a women I use to babysit for.
Present Day>>>>
I substitute on average one day a week. I turn down, on average, one sub job a week. I tutor four days a week for 1 1/2 to 3 hours a day. I get my kid time. I get my teaching time... or at least that's what I say to myself. I was offered a long term sub job at the same school I work at last year that would have gone from March to the end of the school year. But I'm able to go to yoga and work out and ride and have lunch with friends. I'm able to take time off to go to horse shows and snowboard.
In February I made a decision. I chose two in the bush... and I am where I am? I'm not complaining or whining or bitching. I've got a good thing going on and I won't deny it. At times I miss the classroom, but I sub all day on Friday for the first time this school year.... we'll see if I still miss the classroom.
Sunday, November 26, 2006

And of course the turkey. Abbie loves meat! (eww perverts she's way too young! one word illegal!)
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Pet Peeves
Saturday, November 18, 2006
I was told this was better
They went to have the "pre-wedding" talk with the priest. He looked at this newly engaged couple and asked them one question. It wasn't Do you love each other? or What are you dreams? It was "How do you squeeze your toothpaste? The middle or do you roll it down?" My uncle and soon to be bride looked at each other... I'm sure a phrase like WTF went though their minds. "We've lived with each other for years and that's never been a problem." This lead me to believe they both squeezed differently. They were married and had three boys. After 20 some odd years of marriage they went though the most bitter, messy, painful divorce I've known any people to have.
How do you squeeze your toothpaste?
Friday, November 17, 2006
The Track Event

The driverside seat air bag went off. I have a distinct imprint in my memory of my student breathing in and out the powder that fills the air when the airbag went off. My student, in the driver side of this car, has one cracked rib and two brused ribs. I, in the passanger seat of this car, have a severly brused elbow, bruse from the seatbelt and a sore neck. The other car that left that nice bumer/tail light imprint on the back door there... well the passanger/instructor has a severly brused shoulder and some whip lash. The driver of the other car wasn't that lucky. He was leaning over to start his car (it stalled when he went off the track). When we rearended his car he had the farthest to travel. He couldn't move his arms. He got Hella Flight out of there... to John Muir in Walnut Creek. As of last night, his family was flying up from LA to be with him and he was able to move his legs and move his fingers.
DON'T LIFT IN THE CORNERS!!!!!!!!!!! That's what I have to say about that. Both me and the instructor in the other car got back out on the track to drive... our students weren't so lucky. Two totalled cars.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
All in all, not a bad weekend.
What's in the works this week... a track event at Sears Point.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Las Vegas
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Monday, October 30, 2006
Fall Back

Anywas, it was fun. The loads of people were a bit hard to handle. The fact Apple Jacks fell asleep at 8pm durring the Pot Luck dinner with all these people i didn't know around me and left me to survive wasn't to bad. (It was his grumpy, i feel sick, pre coffee pissyness that truly was annoying.) I did some great climbs. The longest climb I've ever done at 60 meters. It was a great climb with a great view of a medow and the opposite side wall of the valley. And dispite my nerviousness about being around 20+ strangers (I knew six of them before I came) it wasn't that bad. Nature is a beautiful thing.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
New Addition To The Side Bar
Disney has ruined many a generation

It's 7:56am and I'm laying in bed totally not wanting to get up when I hear "rrrrvvvooom" going down the road near my house. You know what I hate? I hate that there is a part of me that hopes that thinks this is Apple Jacks on his motorcycle coming to say good morning, coming to surprise me 'cause we didn't have a chance to talk last night. Is this possible? Not really. a) his motorcycle is not 100% put back together. b) he should be either in a train or a car on his way to work c) my house is in NO way shape of form on the way to his work.
Why am I like this? I can only think of one thing that has perpetually made these dreams of being put on a pedestal, being made to feel like a princess, on one thing... Disney. Years of Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Little Mermaid, even Robin Hood telling me that my prince will come and sweep me off my feet. He will be cute and charming and bring me little thoughtful gifts for no reason. He'll chase down every women in the kingdom to try on a shoe just 'cause we dance all night. He will charge though a forest of thicket and slay a dragon. He'll battle the witch of vanity to save me. He'll fall in love with my song and still fall in love with my voiceless charm and beauty. He'll battle my evil uncle to right the wrongs of the world.
These are my example of love, of romance. At times do they make me want to puke? Yes. But at others I want a guy who will sleep on my parents porch to see me first thing in the morning 'cause he couldn't wait (My father for my mom.)
I know life is never a movie. I know life is never perfect. I know these are dreams. I just hate that they are dreams. I hate their impossibility, they non reality.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
AIA vs Apple Jacks
All in all it was great. Abbie made an effort to be comfortable with him, which is saying a lot for a two year old. He talked a bunch with Ian about cars and other stuff that I partially zoned out for. He talk with both Ian and Amy about Syracuse (yes I did have to look up how to spell it and yes they all went to the same college). I totally zoned out for that, something about crazy squirrels and dorms and different restaurants. I wanted to interject about the squirrel that got shaved at Lewis and Clark but I couldn't get a word it. That and Abbie was way more entertaining than the conversation about a dark, cold, gray place I've been to once.
At one point Apple Jacks tickled Abbie's feet and it made me smile. The cutest thing was when she walked off to bed and said "Night Night Apple Jacks." (No she did not say Apple Jacks but I'm still not ready for his name to go, though most people who read this know who he is... but it's way more fun to call him Apple Jacks.)
All in all it was good. I got the call the next morning for the AIA update/approval of Mr. Apple Jacks. And that I will keep to myself. That's mine at the moment. If you need to know I'm sure I'll tell you soon but in all everyone can know it was great food, decent wine, and good conversation.
Monday, October 16, 2006
My weekend
On another note. Apple Jacks. Yes, things are still good. I would have liked for him to come to the horse show but he was up in Seattle for work and to hang out with some friends. He had one realization while gone that he told me about that I feel is blog worthy. That is, it's hard to have friends who live far away. (No Shit... Try your three closest friends living far away!) I think, or hope at least, that he has a new grasp on what my friendships with my three away girls is like. Who knows, he's a boy, I'll never understand what goes on in his head.
But Apple Jacks may be blessed with a new name and a character to go with it.

Sunday, October 15, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Willow Springs
Here a map of the track. The key hole on the upper left brings you up hill. Turn three goes up, four is flat, and five is down hill. The rest is flat. Turn four is the only turn that I wasn't floored coming out. It was an amazing track, fast. Exited turn 1 at 85, turn 2 at 90. I entered turn 8 at 100-105.
What was the best, and is always my favorite, part is the instructing. My student was great. He was a quick learner, had smooth hands, great at tracking out (the exit part of the turn). By his last run he was entering the fast turns at the same speed I was (he had more horse power [as most do out there] so was able to get up to speed out of the corners faster than I was) and being smooth, safe, and carrying that speed well. He didn't exit as fast as I did, but he was doing great.
What was also great was my former student from Button Willow who was back down again. He had a different instructor, which is good. He's chipped his S4 Avant, got tiers, and soon will get breaks. He was having a blast out there. It was great to see his use the basics I drilled into him the first time. Two rules: 1) You don't brake while turning or turn while you're still braking. 2) Whatever speed you enter a corner, that's the speed you picked, you can't lift and go slower or break or anything. That's the speed you picked, that's what you, at the very least have to maintain.
It was a good, long, exhausting, two days.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
New Roomies
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
This has been a hard week for me. Starting at midnight on Saturday night or Sunday morning all depending... it started to unravel. I guess I started to unravel. It was almost like PMS... yet not the right time for that. So I've become nit-picky... Temperamental... Needy... Short fused... and roughly a bit unstable. And of course who is most effected by this but Apple Jacks. Who do I lean on, pull on, want everything from... but Apple Jacks...
Is this where I want to be when we've only known each other a month? NO! I am I putting pressure on myself because I'm putting pressure on him? YES! Do I want to do that? Hells, NO! Ugh, so am I only making myself pissier and shorter fused 'cause I'm pushing... which is making me push more... AHHHH it's a f-ing spiral. Maybe I just need a but load of chocolate... or some shopping!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Egg On My Face
Tonight, I sit at the table with AIA, I'm babysitting, and squeal, "So, I'm seeing someone." And they look at me straight faced and say, "We know, you Dad told us." Ugh... Here is my closest family branch and I got caught sharing something big with other branches. But, they had fun making fun of me, and then asked questions. They'll meet him soon. You ready Apple Jacks?
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I'm Sorry
Okay, so I hurt some feelings and I want to say I'm sorry. I'm much more understanding than I think the blog came across. I know everyone is busy and as much as I think the world should revolve around me I know it doesn't. I know people, well most people, are about 10,000 times busier than I am (not so hard to do, as I write this in my swim suit after sitting in the sun down in Arizona). And I understand. And I am, no matter what I do, related to my mother... that verbal filter... yeah don't have it. But I'm working on it.... slowly.
Kisses to All My Girls in the EST. I love you more than you will know.
Grad School + 3000 miles - internet = X?
Now, to my surprise but joy, Ms. T and I have found a great balance in the 3000 miles, 3 hour time difference, busy with grad school friendship. We talk, some times every day, others once a week. We e-mail. We comment on blogs. We communicate. We get the right amount of each other's lives but not so much either of us wants to puke.
Ms. M and I are a little different. We talk maybe once a week but we'll talk for almost an hour. We'll cover the basics of what's going on in each other's lives keeping it to the big things (Tasha and I will talk about what we did that day, little things). She's the person who, when she's here... it's like she's never left. We laugh at stupid shit, we sit and watch tv, ect. But when she's away you feel the distance and that's fine, that's who it is.
Now here's the dilemma and I can't be mad but that doesn't stop my from being annoyed. If you've used your powers of deduction you'll know who's left. Ms. E. No, Ms. E didn't do it in the study with the rope (Clue reference. It felt needed with all these Ms.s). She's busy. She's got school, a job, a boy and a dog. She lives with boy and dog. The whole internet thing drives me nuts... she doesn't have her computer hooked up. Just her boy's and he's on his computer all the time, also being in grad school. She doesn't read my blog much, or anymore to my knowledge now that she's moved. It's also odd to me that, though she has a cell and Ms. T doesn't, she is infinitely harder to get a hold of. If I call her cell it's normally off... or rings and rings and I get "Hey, it's Ms. E leave me a message and I'll get back to you." I don't even leave messages any more. Worst part is she'll call me and I'll just miss her call so I call back five min. later and does she pick up... no. Where did she god, she just had her phone.
Being the studious person she is, she turns her phone off while she's busy with work... but here's the thing, if she's not at school, or at work, she's studying. I only talk to her while she's walking the dog, walking/driving to or from class. And she hates talking while driving (so not a Californian).
So I'm at a loss. Do I need to start writing her letters via snail mail? We did that for a bit 'till I lost a letter in the mail and it stopped the cycle. Do I take a deep breath and just wait... wait for this year of grad school to be over? I mean shit... I can't be mad at her, it's school, it's life that's keeping her busy. It's not that she's out partying and doesn't have time to talk, or busy with her boy (though when they started dating it was equally hard to talk to her and if we did... not talk about him and we made it though that {Ms. T if I ever just talk about Apple Jacks please hit me}). So here I am stuck with the equation: Grad School + 3000 miles/3 hours - internet=????. It's like really hard algebra (and you thought you'd never use it again).
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
A Shaky Foundation???
I spent my whole weekend with Apple Jacks and it was great. I didn't want it to end. We did face one hick-up.
We are walking down the street wait for a table for Sunday brunch... I had my fingers hooked in his back pocket. La-de-da walkity walkity. I hear foot steps coming up behind and I slowly menuver Apple Jacks and I over to make room for this faster walker. All of the sudden I hear, "Apple Jacks!" We both look and there to our left is this dark hair woman. Apple Jacks and her chatted about how she got a new car or something and Apple Jacks seemed to be a little uncomfotable. I just watched. This chick starts to walk away and she turns over her shoulder and says something about introductions. Apple Jacks blushes, tries to get the chick to stop walking and do introductions. She finally turns all the way around, still walking, and says "It should just be said he's dating multiple people." and storms off.
I give Apple Jacks a look and start laughing. This had to be the most spiteful, bitter comment. She was oviously hurt by him and wanted to spit it in his face, and my face. What still astounds me is I didn't flinch. There is no part of me that would think Apple was seeing other people. We are so comfortable and so intence I don't think it would be posable... who could have the energy?
What was the worst part was, though none of this got into my head, it did get into Apple Jacks. He felt like an ass. He totally explained himself. He was dating her (3 dates) and meet me and stopped "thinking" about her (I think there was a date or two overlap). So, he didn't call or e-mail her back. He admits this was a shitty move and the wrong choice, hence her getting in his head.
Later that day he got an e-mail from the dark horse and felt the need to e-mail her back. The next day he called her to "close the deal" where she eventually started the "Why aren't I good enough?" and "Why do I only date people for three dates? What's wrong with me?" Which solitified any doubt he might have had that he was doing the wrong thing.
But here's the deal... My biggest issues to start with when it come to any sort of relationship, busness, friend, more... is TRUST. Here is a big trust issues and I'm only slightly worried. He has given me, to my knowladge, full disclousour. And I know only time will tell and only time can build trust. So... I don't know.... I guess i'm hanging on and doing my best to build a solid foundation.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Back in the Saddle
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Okay, I was asked for an Apple Jacks up date. All seems well. As I said Thur. night we had date three, yet it felt like date 300. We went out, had dinner and had a "grown up date" meaning we didn't just sit at his house and make out all night, it was only all early morning, cause we were out being "grown ups" 'til 1:30am... stuck in traffic. Oh and doing some PDA. It's odd to have such a level of comfort with someone when we really don't know each other. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'm waiting for him to look at me and say, "no, you're not cool enough." Or "no, you're too needy." Or "sorry, I want someone a little more adventurious." Or the ever fearful, "sorry you're great but I just don't think I have time for this." So part of me is holding my breath, keeping a little distant, though that hasn't work much. (Is it odd that Build Me Up Buttercup by Save Ferris is playing while I write this... i swear Itunes is on random... "buttercup don't break my heart"). I'm doing everything so I won't bethat girl who starts pushing away so he doesn't push me away first.... though as i think back I don't think that's anything i've ever done. Girlie panic hasn't really happened, thought i've teatered on the edge, and most importantly I've never has it when he's around... and when he's around I can't not touch him. Hand on the shoulder, knee, hair. I don't know I've never trusted puppy love... I worry it will grow up and be a big pit bull. I'm working on it. I'm working on, as I say, just rolling with it, enjoying the comfort.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
My hump day has no hump
Now this means I did not get out of bed until 9:30. I didn't take a shower until 11 and I haven't left the house yet... and probably won't for at least another hour or two... though I should. I also have stuff to do for myself. I have to copy the plans for the house I drew and fixed (silly dad... he thinks he's an architect). I should file the three inch thick stack of stuff in my To Be Filed slot. I should do some book keeping, I was all caught up as of two weeks ago and it felt so good. I should get some food since all I have in my fridge are some eggs and... yeah I think just eggs. I don't even have anything quickly edible in the freezer. I ate the last of it last night... didn't make it out to the store.
Here's the thing. If my day was packed, if I had lots to do, like yesterday, I wouldn't be sitting on my ass watching the DVRed Daily Show for an hour and half. I wouldn't be writing this blog. I won't be sending 500 stupid girl e-mails to my friends 'cause I have nothing better to do with my brain. But alas, my hump days are like Sundays with fewer people to hang out with. And defiantly less cool than my last Sunday! Though I did get a cool e-mail from my parents about riding camels and dealing with pushing street venders!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
My neighbors Again!

This time Daddy wasn't around but one of the babies took a good long look at me like... "What are you doing in that house in my back yard?" When I was asking him, "What are you doing eating the grass in my back yard?" Part of me wants to get a salt lick and adopt the deer... But really the much larger part of me knows that having deer want to hang out with you isn't natural.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
On another note really quick... work (new job) is boring!!! but fuck it's easy and I get to do what I want, tutor and ride. Also, I have a date tonight. It was last night be he was "too tiered after buring man" yeah... no comment. But I did have a dream he came to pick me up three hours late and I ran and hid. What does that say about me. Depressing books and fucked up dreams... hmmm sound like my life.
Monday, September 04, 2006
The Croc Hunter
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Boy oh Boy
Fuck... I'm confusing myself. But isn't that how it goes. I wonder how many blogs out there are girls batching... stressing... wondering about boys VS boys doing the same about girls. Aren't we meant to be the mysterious ones? Aren't we Eve leading men to their destruction? But why do I feel like boys will be the destruction of me?
Monday, August 28, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

For those who do understand, she started (rather I asked her to start) jumping about three or four feet farther away "normal" (two to three feet away). And to add to that distance this fence is an oxer, two rails, that are three and half to four feet apart. Add that up, and my horse had to have the tallest part of her arc be nine feet from where she took off. I'd draw a diagram but... really I think i'm just confusing even myself and I've been doing this for 20 years! The best part is she didn't even tought the rails! AMAZING!!! Here I'll just give you an other pic.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Back in the Saddle
I feel like I should talk about how Ms. T and I got started on this crafty path.
(Cue misty flash back sounds and wavy lines)
It all started back in the winter of 2001/2. Tasha said, why don't we learn how to knit. Okay, sounds good. Tasha and I had gone to the local craft shop, bought a book about knitting and some yarn and needles. Tasha found undiscovered ways to add stitches and made a pink trapizodal hot pad and I discovered the need to look at dye lots and made my ex boyfriend a two toned scarf. After some healthy competition we both learned and improved, Tasha buying knitting things are every garage sale she could.
"You want to learn how to spin? There is a spinning class back at the local yarn show and I rally want to take it." I'm sure there was some of the patentied Tasha whine after that but I'm not 100% sure. So, we took a spinning class, and like the knitting I grasped it a bit faster than Ms. T. Looking back at this we've realized that this was probibly a good things. Tasha's competative sprit came out and she became a better fiber person (?) than me.
2003 the day of shock and aww school was "optional". Teacher guessing most of the students at our liberal acts school would be protesting. Well, Tasha and I drove to the boonies of Oregon and found our selves some spinning wheels and more fiber than our brains could wrap around.
(Fade back into today)
So I was looking through all my fiber and thinking, hmmm what should I bring to Tasha and I found this.

"Hmmm, " I thought. "This is some beautiful wool... I think I'll spin it." (Sorry Tash). Now to spinn this I needed to empty some bobins. The first bobin just needed to be wound, of course I can't find my knity knoty (due to lack of use I bet it up and left to find a home where it would be loved), so I did my best to just winde it up. (I have pics but Blogger won't let it download)
Next I had to ply some wool that was already spun. I only had one bobins worth so I had to Navajo ply, something that isn't easy... but with a minimal amout of tangle and fuss I cleared that bobin as well. (Once again, no downloading).
So now, I was all set to spin (I'm a rather private spinner. Something about the dorkiness of the activity that makes me need to be comfotable with who views my spinning) and my roommate's mom, she staying here this week, shows up with some small child (grand kid?). So the beautiful red wool will have to wait... hmmm now I wonder if I have more wool to bring Tasha???
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Oh yeah, I kicked ass on my "big" class on Thur. night. Like totally kicked ass. Rode so well I was almost crying tears of joy as I left the ring!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Cutest Cowgirl Ever

I was wondering if it okay that I'm 25 and love nannying. I love taking care of kids. I love playing legos with them, drawing, playing games. I don't even mind getting kicked while having to unplug the TV. I leave these people's homes and I smile. I feel good. I mean it's great to feel satisfied by your job but at 25 should I love taking care of other people's kids... is that okay... is that right... is that "normal". I mean I know teaching is the right thing for me to be doing with my life, just maybe not right now, but is babysitting a "grown up" alternative?
Monday, August 07, 2006
April Fools (Four Months Late)