Thursday, April 27, 2006
How it all got started
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
A Knit Tank
Knit Tank
Friday, April 21, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Evil Job Interview
PS> I didn't get it. He had a long term sub who he had lined up ie: it was already filled but he had the interviews set up so he had to go though with it.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
MFing Orinda
Than later durring lunch I hear an upper level teacher talk about how she's moving to Vermont. "It's so hard to find a house when you live 3000 miles away." Oh so wait i think i'm decent at math (much stronger than my spelling) and that adds up to two(2) opeings. Two openings at one school... that i heard about in one day. Mother Fuckers!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
My Bedside Table

Gregor and the warm bloods (third book of a series i was reading to the third graders)
Around the World in 80 Dates (that's Tasha's recommendation)
Sex, Murder, and a Double Latte (Bought in a weak moment)
Lessons In Duck Hunting (Bought in a weak moment)
Between Boyfriends Book
Life a la Mode (picked it up at the Teacher's lounge)
The Sunday philosophy Club (Given to me for my b-day by Emily[that was in Feb...])
Washington Story (Emily's recommendation, I read the first)
Everyone Else's Girl
I know... I know she had no control over any of it. And i know i shouldn't be planning my Tanya Harding moment... NO JOBS!!!!
Dear San Ramon Valley Unified Schools,
PLEASE hire me. I am a wonderful teacher.
The desperate "teacher"
Monday, April 17, 2006
Today's Entrie is brought to you by the letter B
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Meeting People
So now I've been out of my teaching program for over a year. I've been in and out of half a dozen schools working but only meet a could people i could see myself be friends with... I had once closest girlfriend of mine move away to be with her man(you go girl) and another who bailed on my birthday and has never contacted me again. My three closest girlfriends live back east. So here i have these wonderfully close people (not physically obviously) and one or two people here in CA that are close me but no one like my three that are away.
So now I'm out of school... yet there most days (working) and I look at these teachers who surround me and wonder how do i become friends with them... i see them maybe once a month in a work setting for 20 min. "Hey, we should hang out some time?" Seems like an easy thing to say but totally not. Not so someone i see for 20 min... who is surrounded by other teachers. I asked a friend if i should e-mail this women i use to work with and ask to hang out... she said it was a cop out. I should ask her in person... but how? How when i don't see her...
Well, I have tried reaching out to people on Myspace that i use to be friends with.... I've tried going to a knitting group to meet people... but really...
So example two: in Trader Joe's and there is a hot guy (tatoo on the elbow totally my type {remember they type i pick]). What am i to do? Walk up to him and ask him about apples... mellons... and give him my number... (i know tasha not what your told to do in the He's Just Not That Into You bible)... but really. There needed to be a signal out there for people who are single. The whole wedding ring is great for the long term commitment but what about the short term... can it be a string... a rubber band... a signal that says "Oh, yeah you think i'm cute but so does my GIRLFRIEND!!! and she got this first"
Thursday, April 13, 2006
If only I knew a silly test could know me so well
How You Life Your Life |
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Taliesin West

The guy was a bit of an ego maniac but hey if you never retired; he died at the age of ninety-two and still got commissions to do homes and buildings you might have a bit of a right. It was odd being there. Part of it reminded me of my house and a lot of the furniture reminded me of Tao's stuff. Did you know he didn't just design the house, but the furniture, the carpet, the silverware, the art that got hung on the wall? If you had a FLW home you could not move the furniture without his "permission". WOW a bit of an ego... maybe. The piano in the living room has never been moved from it's original placement. As the tour guy said "If he came back to life and walked in this room it should look the same to him." CRAZY! but it's a fine line between great art and genius and the CRAZES!
My Calling
Friday, April 07, 2006
friendster... myspace... and such
So there is a guy i was real close to a few years ago. Had this natural connection with him. I did some stupid things, made some bad choices about him, with him, and we lost touch. He'll always be my "what if" according to Maya (one of the few people in my life who met him). Now, here i am 2006, I last saw him six years ago. Six years (makes me feel old). I found his band on google, than him on myspace and here he is. Six years older. Six years of his life i have no clue about. Six years of tattoos that i can only guess what they mean (last time i saw him he had gotten the first part of his sleeve and i remember thinking "Damn my mom won't like that").
So I'm being a bit of a stalker snoop and reading some of the comments on his myspace. I notice that there is one chick who has left like a gazilion comments so i look at her myspace. She considers this guy and his best friend (a person my guy has been friends with since... god... they had been friends for like 6 years when i knew them so a friend for like EVER), she considers them her family. She has a little boy and these two "men" with tattoos and plugs in their ears the size of a nickel who i use to hang with a drink beers with and who taught me to drive a stick, her family.
Wow what can happen in six years. How life changes and rotates and moves on. It always moves on, and to me that's what i notice most about friendster or myspace or any of these things, is that life keeps going.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Art at Arizona State University

Now this one was amazing. The yellow with the black... It actually got me to stop and stare for a bit. And that's a feat all on it's own. Now, don't ask me who painted it or the name of it... I just know what it looks like.
This was part of a whole gallery in the museum. Very, industrial age meets eco 00's. I liked it.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Like Martha

This is the weather where i'm going for the next four days! high of 88, low of 57

Hells yeah baby i'm going to Phoenix!!!!! I'm all over that, i'm packing sun tan lotion, a swim suit, a skirt. Maybe i'll being a sweeter... for the plane.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Stich 'n Bitch
Button Willow

I said I would post about my track event. I'm start with it all went well until my last run. Not to toot my own horn, but i had one passanger who, when we finished the run, told me I was one of the smoothest drivers he's been with. AHHHHHH!!!! That's like the ultimate driver complament!! So this guy told his friend to sit with me. This is what happens. I'm going to blame my brakes, brake fade. When you ask your cheep ass (meaning the stock) breaks to work at 100% lap after lap for 20 min... well they get tiered. Well, mine got tiered and I ended up in a hair pin turn going 3 ft forward and 1 ft sideways. I ran out of track and found myself some nice soft mud. Mud that was stuck in my car for a 24 hr and twisted my plastic under carage cover two inches.

About Me
Where My Time Is Divided
Blog Archive
- How it all got started
- Now i know she's trying to make eggs change color ...
- A Knit Tank
- Really...
- My Brother's Show!!!!
- Evil Job Interview
- MFing Orinda
- My Bedside Table
- Orinda
- Today's Entrie is brought to you by the letter B
- Meeting People
- If only I knew a silly test could know me so well
- March
- Taliesin West
- My Calling
- friendster... myspace... and such
- AZ
- Art at Arizona State University
- Spam
- Like Martha
- This is the weather that is expected in the bay ar...
- Jobs
- Stich 'n Bitch
- Button Willow