Friday, June 30, 2006
First Two Days
Okay, so the first two days haven't been hot. Well todays weather was warmer but my riding hasn't been hot. I've been doing well the first half of the courses but after fence 5 or 6 I just seem to louse it a bit. I seem to be "getting" it more, I guess. I'm just not "getting it" in the ring. It's the look back and me going, "shit I knew i needed to do that." hind sight is so much fun. Well, I don't show tomorrow so I was hoping to go do something tonight but I don't know anyone other than the people I ride with and they are all staying at different places so I'm left to fend for myself and order room service again... ugh. Maybe I'll find the "fitness" center and go workout for a bit.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Spruce Medows
Well, I'm off to Calgary. I'm there for five days, go to Vicotoria to see a friend for two days and fly back to Calgary for the second week of the show. This will probibly be one of the biggest competiontions in my riding career... and my head is wrapped up in a boy... hopfully a couple thousand miles and Stella will clear that all up.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
The Invite
I get a call from my friend Olivia, who is the one who went out with me on Friday and the one who knew Mr. M and his friend that we met up with. Anyway, we go for walks on Tue. afternoon (well only once but hopfully today too so twice). She calls me this morning and asks if we are walking, and (as you can tell) I say yes. She says well Mr. M (she used his real name) wanted to go out to dinner... with us. Now the sound in her voice is true disapproval that this thought came accross his mine, his leaving in 24hr to move back home to Texas with his girlfriend mind. Something along the line of him "having issues" (my favorite line, more issues than time magazine) came up, but I said it will be fun. Now me, I see loads of entertainment. This could all blow up real fast (due to both our drunken states last time we meet) or it could be fun. His girlfriend is NOT coming to dinner (Olivia did ask, "That would have been really entertaining!") I think AKWARD would be a better word if that was to happen but it's not soo. I'm not sure what to wear, to treat this like a "date" and work on looking hot ie: cover up the "miquito bite" i've been picking at and take a shower, or go as is: with my hair in tausled mess smelling like kids fruity sunscreen paferably with my suit not one... oh in many ways... but. Sorry the chemisty is still fresh. Really I don't have too much time to dwell on that matter. I have to work until 4, get allergy shots and meet up with Olivia to walk at 5:30 and dinner is in Berkeley at 7:30... well I guess I have enough time to hem and haw over skirt or jeans... but I have to go read with a young child so I should sign off... I'll keep whoever actually cares posted.
Monday, June 26, 2006
My Monday Morning Wake Up
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Wee Hours of Friday night or Sat am...
all depending. To start off I take no responcibility for any spelling that has been typed here tonight. I did drive home but I know that rought by heart... spelling not so known.
Anyways, tonight I would like to thank Olivia for letting me have a good time. I meet a boy... we'll call him M. He was fun, nice, kept putting my strap back on my shoulder when it feel off. He was a great fish in the sea type... until he said the G word (by acident). I know this fish had some extra flippers... but it still felt good to know that there were/are fish in the sea. Fish that I won't eat alive, that will find my "over poweringness" sexy and endering. I feel good. even if this M fish wasn't the one (moving BACK to Texas with his "hidious" girlfriend) "I just want to be happy." was what he said to me with a sad look in his eye... like i was the line he wanted to bit... I was the line he thought would make him happy... yet he had another painful hook in his side. I'm no one's fix it women so I was proud I didn't give him a kiss on the lips (just cheak) goodbye, but man i still feel that chemisty flowing... how I forgot about the power of chemisty!
Anyways, tonight I would like to thank Olivia for letting me have a good time. I meet a boy... we'll call him M. He was fun, nice, kept putting my strap back on my shoulder when it feel off. He was a great fish in the sea type... until he said the G word (by acident). I know this fish had some extra flippers... but it still felt good to know that there were/are fish in the sea. Fish that I won't eat alive, that will find my "over poweringness" sexy and endering. I feel good. even if this M fish wasn't the one (moving BACK to Texas with his "hidious" girlfriend) "I just want to be happy." was what he said to me with a sad look in his eye... like i was the line he wanted to bit... I was the line he thought would make him happy... yet he had another painful hook in his side. I'm no one's fix it women so I was proud I didn't give him a kiss on the lips (just cheak) goodbye, but man i still feel that chemisty flowing... how I forgot about the power of chemisty!
Friday, June 23, 2006
Might Be Too Much Work
Now for some this might be a fun treck though cyberspace but for others to see a picture of me in my car this will be WAY to much to ask, but hey here it is anyways.
If you want to see what I spend my past Thur. doing in 105 degree heat...
go to
click PHOTOS on the left hand side
click racing/track days (though the crashes look cool/painful)
scroll down so you see the calander
click on the Hooked On Drivine on the 22nd (not the first one)
the seventh row down in #8 blue Audi. That's Me.
It was hot but fun and now i'm beat... and I have LOTS to do. Mostly because my car broke down on the way home and it's at the shop (my coil over burnt out [yeah i know you have NO idea what that means and don't even care if I explain what it is]). So i'm waisting my time waiting for the shuttle to pick my ass up.
Fun Fun Fun
If you want to see what I spend my past Thur. doing in 105 degree heat...
go to
click PHOTOS on the left hand side
click racing/track days (though the crashes look cool/painful)
scroll down so you see the calander
click on the Hooked On Drivine on the 22nd (not the first one)
the seventh row down in #8 blue Audi. That's Me.
It was hot but fun and now i'm beat... and I have LOTS to do. Mostly because my car broke down on the way home and it's at the shop (my coil over burnt out [yeah i know you have NO idea what that means and don't even care if I explain what it is]). So i'm waisting my time waiting for the shuttle to pick my ass up.
Fun Fun Fun
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Aundra –
What a delight it was to talk to you today! You have great energy and will continue to grow as a teacher I’m sure. At this time it isn’t a good match for our school and I’m sure you will find a good match. I gave your name to several principals [yeah for a school that is under funded, struggeling, equal to Oakland type] and shared good information about you. Again I wish you the best of luck and am confident you will find your match in our school district.
Liz Kim
Principal, Strandwood Elementary
Dude and I wrote her a thank you card saying how much I thought this school was a match for me. Talk about exhausting. I interviewed at 8am, came home wrote the thank you card, got my foot stomped on and bleading by a tantrum thoughing child, and get this f*ing e-mail. I didn't even get a call, I got an e-mail.
What a delight it was to talk to you today! You have great energy and will continue to grow as a teacher I’m sure. At this time it isn’t a good match for our school and I’m sure you will find a good match. I gave your name to several principals [yeah for a school that is under funded, struggeling, equal to Oakland type] and shared good information about you. Again I wish you the best of luck and am confident you will find your match in our school district.
Liz Kim
Principal, Strandwood Elementary
Dude and I wrote her a thank you card saying how much I thought this school was a match for me. Talk about exhausting. I interviewed at 8am, came home wrote the thank you card, got my foot stomped on and bleading by a tantrum thoughing child, and get this f*ing e-mail. I didn't even get a call, I got an e-mail.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Dear God It's Still Monday
So, I'm driving home today at 5:30pm and I realize that I left the house at 7am this morning. That it's still Monday! The trash can's are still out and need to be walked back to that house. Damn this was a long ass day, espeshally 'cause I didn't have lunch. Well, I did but fretos and a frapicino doesn't cut it so well. It's not even that my day was eventful, I went to work, sat by the pool and watched kids, went and tutored, saw the chiropractor who is trying to put my hips back together, put rear breaklines in my car, and went to Rite Aid. Now i'm home and have to do "reasearch" on the school I'm going to interview with. First I need to eat food so my head doesn't explode.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Dial up is too slow and it's to beautiful in Tahoe to be on the Computer
Two things... dial up sucks. If you haven't experienced it lately, if you've been blessed with the joys of DSL or Broadband... do your best to never go back.
Second, how do you become a social light. I have these people i "know," ride horses with or rather against, and they are either on their horse or partying... how... how do you get to do that... be that... Part of me thinks DAMN that would be fun, and another part of me thinks, aren't all these people just supper fisial bitches... am I being judgmential?
Second, how do you become a social light. I have these people i "know," ride horses with or rather against, and they are either on their horse or partying... how... how do you get to do that... be that... Part of me thinks DAMN that would be fun, and another part of me thinks, aren't all these people just supper fisial bitches... am I being judgmential?
Thursday, June 15, 2006
My Car... smurfet
If you look at the earlier post you will know i just worked my ass off putting new breaks and springs on my car. All of this was for an Audi event down near LA. It was a track I'd never been on so i was kind of excited. Well, at 1:30pm today after I dropped my car off to get allined now that it's lower to the ground and all, I get a call from Ron. Ron is one of machanic buddies who was also going to the event. Well he tells me the event has been cancled. There were 14 people signed up... a fifth of them were Urbans... Ian, Me, and Tao. Anyway, Ian found a place for us to go play with our cars... and my newly jazzed up car. Instead of LA we will be going UP to Button Willow (near Reading) to play on Thunder Hill... with a new group of racers... might be interesting. Well, that will be next week... this week it is up to Tahoe I go.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
At Least It's Not Monday
My day started off fine, got to sleep in a bit. But i wake up to the sound of my heater BLASTING. So I get up to turn it off and out side my big sliding door is my father and some big bald guy looking at the stack of wood for the deck. Then my phone rings and it's my credit card company to tell me my card had been used in England (I know... it's called the internet). So i have good intentions for my morning to go to the allergy people and run before I head to Berkeley to see my niece and get new breaks put on my car.
I'm driving to run and i realize I have a check that I need to deposit and my favorite ATM is next to a Starbucks. Now i can't go run right after a Chai so I go to get my shots. I do some prep work for tutoring the next day.
Now i get done with my shots and it's 10:30 but I was going to see Abbie at before lunch and I still have to take a shower. Oh well can't go run... too bad.
I shower, drive to Berkeley and play/eat with Abbie. At 1pm Ian and I head to Eddie's to put breaks on my car. They already have fucked up my order on my break kit once, wrong bolts. So it takes an hour for Ian and I to get a rack to put my car up. We deside that since my car is up and we're working on breaks we might as well put new sprigs on too. The springs are 100 times harder to put on than we thought...
Okay springs are on and we start to put on the breaks. We put them on and the break pads hang over the edge of the caliper (that's the round thing that the breaks grip). NOT GOOD. It's now also 3:30. i have to work at 4:30... We call the makers of the product, 2 Bennett, "this has never happened before." So try to mess with stuff. I call the person I'm working for and tell her "My car is in pieces i'm going to be late." She is wonderfully accomidating. And gives me an extra hour. Ian and I keep working. We still havn't gotten any where with it... I have to leave my poor brother with a car in pieces while I take his truck to go watch some kids. I also can't watch the kids with the truck, I have to drive them back from a swim meet. As i leave my brother i realize I left my bag with all my tutoring stuff in my car (five feet up in the air on a rack). i call Ian ask him to grab it and I'll grab it at 7:30am ('cause I work at 8am back in Orinda). I'm still late to go to the swim meet but I make it... and my kind mother meets me with their Jeep, a clean pair of pants and a sweat shirt. I see the kids, meet their grandma, go change and spend two hours at a swim meet (a frist for me). I get ice cream with the kids, bring them home, and get them to change into PJ's brush teeth. The boy is goofing, which ends up making the girl be extra good. Finally all is dressed and brushed and we read a couple chapters in their book. We walk up the stairs and the boy grabs the book from me and yells how he wants to put a book mark in it. I tell him when we get to his room he can get the book mark and he can mark the book. No, this will not work he wants the book first. No, I wasn't going to give in. I told him the situation and he wasn't having. He yells. He punched me. I look him in the eye and tell him that's not okay. He's not going to get anything if he act like that. I also keep repeating the "rules". If he gets the bookmark he'll be able to get the book.
Long yelling kicking story short... I end up having to lock him in his room (his door knob is backwards just for that purpose). After 10 min I hear "Can you open the door so I can go to bed please." It was so much nicer that "You're a poopy head..." If he only knew I've been called so much worse. Finally, he gets into bed, gets his dogs, and falls asleep.
Now I just have to get up really f-ing early and spend four hours with a family i've never worked with... tutor one new kid... tutor the ADHD kid... ride... and go see my brother and buy them dinner 'cause he worked so hard on my car. To do that I had to cancel a job interview for a distirct that is a hour drive from where i live... no big loss i hope.
I'm driving to run and i realize I have a check that I need to deposit and my favorite ATM is next to a Starbucks. Now i can't go run right after a Chai so I go to get my shots. I do some prep work for tutoring the next day.
Now i get done with my shots and it's 10:30 but I was going to see Abbie at before lunch and I still have to take a shower. Oh well can't go run... too bad.
I shower, drive to Berkeley and play/eat with Abbie. At 1pm Ian and I head to Eddie's to put breaks on my car. They already have fucked up my order on my break kit once, wrong bolts. So it takes an hour for Ian and I to get a rack to put my car up. We deside that since my car is up and we're working on breaks we might as well put new sprigs on too. The springs are 100 times harder to put on than we thought...
Okay springs are on and we start to put on the breaks. We put them on and the break pads hang over the edge of the caliper (that's the round thing that the breaks grip). NOT GOOD. It's now also 3:30. i have to work at 4:30... We call the makers of the product, 2 Bennett, "this has never happened before." So try to mess with stuff. I call the person I'm working for and tell her "My car is in pieces i'm going to be late." She is wonderfully accomidating. And gives me an extra hour. Ian and I keep working. We still havn't gotten any where with it... I have to leave my poor brother with a car in pieces while I take his truck to go watch some kids. I also can't watch the kids with the truck, I have to drive them back from a swim meet. As i leave my brother i realize I left my bag with all my tutoring stuff in my car (five feet up in the air on a rack). i call Ian ask him to grab it and I'll grab it at 7:30am ('cause I work at 8am back in Orinda). I'm still late to go to the swim meet but I make it... and my kind mother meets me with their Jeep, a clean pair of pants and a sweat shirt. I see the kids, meet their grandma, go change and spend two hours at a swim meet (a frist for me). I get ice cream with the kids, bring them home, and get them to change into PJ's brush teeth. The boy is goofing, which ends up making the girl be extra good. Finally all is dressed and brushed and we read a couple chapters in their book. We walk up the stairs and the boy grabs the book from me and yells how he wants to put a book mark in it. I tell him when we get to his room he can get the book mark and he can mark the book. No, this will not work he wants the book first. No, I wasn't going to give in. I told him the situation and he wasn't having. He yells. He punched me. I look him in the eye and tell him that's not okay. He's not going to get anything if he act like that. I also keep repeating the "rules". If he gets the bookmark he'll be able to get the book.
Long yelling kicking story short... I end up having to lock him in his room (his door knob is backwards just for that purpose). After 10 min I hear "Can you open the door so I can go to bed please." It was so much nicer that "You're a poopy head..." If he only knew I've been called so much worse. Finally, he gets into bed, gets his dogs, and falls asleep.
Now I just have to get up really f-ing early and spend four hours with a family i've never worked with... tutor one new kid... tutor the ADHD kid... ride... and go see my brother and buy them dinner 'cause he worked so hard on my car. To do that I had to cancel a job interview for a distirct that is a hour drive from where i live... no big loss i hope.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Okay so i did have to move down to the class where the jumps are three inches lower but still... i still won. i found my eye again (meaning i could find a desent spot to get my horse to jump the jumps from) {we were haveing issues with that earlier this week}. So yeah I WON MY CLASS TODAY!!!
Okay so i did have to move down to the class where the jumps are three inches lower but still... i still won. i found my eye again (meaning i could find a desent spot to get my horse to jump the jumps from) {we were haveing issues with that earlier this week}. So yeah I WON MY CLASS TODAY!!!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Okay, I'm annoyed. I'm not sure if it's PMS or stress. Who knows but it doesn't change the fact that i'm annoyed. At two o'clock I get a call on my cell. I'm at work... and it's Channing asking if I own a bike helmet. Dude, I'm at work and you are going to call me about a bike helmet... ugh since she's told me about her boyfriend and i didn't "freak out" and I listened to her justifications, she's been so much friendlier... but after that info I want to be even less friendly.
Also i've been living on the edge and leaving work a little early (like an hour) to get appointments and stuff. And 'cause i don't have anything else to do at work. I've been feeling a little worried that i've been cutting out 'cause i want to get a letter of rec from the pricipal... yet i'm not doing much to make her want to give me a letter or rec. Ugh... am i self savitashing or what. Anyway, so i'm annoyed that I've been dumb enough to be playing hooky. Then i get to my gym (why I played hooky today) to work out and the door is locked. Last week I set up a 3 o'clock appointment. Now i was there a few min. early so i drove around (really having to pee). I show up five min later and still locked and I don't see Scotts car. I call him and it goes to message. So i'm annoyed that I left work early to be stood up after a longish drive to the gym while I had to pee.
I havn't heard from anyone about the job opening at Orinda... or any other opening i've applied for latly. I was "getting shit" from people about how I "think work is a four letter word" and other inuendos that I don't really want to work. Fuck them, do they know how many letters i've sent. How many times I've up dated my resume. How I spend $400 on a new suit for interviews. AHHHH
Now i have to work tonight (really not that bad) and tomorrow is my last day as a teacher. Then I tutor and I have to pack and wake up early to fly to LA and ride. I know I'm so lucky but going to shows does not equal a vacation. Canada will not be a vacation. San Diego was not a vacation. This is one of those moods that some one could give me a puppy and I'd be like " 'gee thanks now I have to take care of this thing." I think i need some f-ing chocolate. Maybe i'll go to Starbucks and get a mocha... or a snickers... or recees... or a fucking hug. I need a hug. I need what I can't get. Damn!
Also i've been living on the edge and leaving work a little early (like an hour) to get appointments and stuff. And 'cause i don't have anything else to do at work. I've been feeling a little worried that i've been cutting out 'cause i want to get a letter of rec from the pricipal... yet i'm not doing much to make her want to give me a letter or rec. Ugh... am i self savitashing or what. Anyway, so i'm annoyed that I've been dumb enough to be playing hooky. Then i get to my gym (why I played hooky today) to work out and the door is locked. Last week I set up a 3 o'clock appointment. Now i was there a few min. early so i drove around (really having to pee). I show up five min later and still locked and I don't see Scotts car. I call him and it goes to message. So i'm annoyed that I left work early to be stood up after a longish drive to the gym while I had to pee.
I havn't heard from anyone about the job opening at Orinda... or any other opening i've applied for latly. I was "getting shit" from people about how I "think work is a four letter word" and other inuendos that I don't really want to work. Fuck them, do they know how many letters i've sent. How many times I've up dated my resume. How I spend $400 on a new suit for interviews. AHHHH
Now i have to work tonight (really not that bad) and tomorrow is my last day as a teacher. Then I tutor and I have to pack and wake up early to fly to LA and ride. I know I'm so lucky but going to shows does not equal a vacation. Canada will not be a vacation. San Diego was not a vacation. This is one of those moods that some one could give me a puppy and I'd be like " 'gee thanks now I have to take care of this thing." I think i need some f-ing chocolate. Maybe i'll go to Starbucks and get a mocha... or a snickers... or recees... or a fucking hug. I need a hug. I need what I can't get. Damn!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
My Local Sac. Show
My show did start off on the wrong foot. I got a call from my trainer that was "Well, Stella was odd today. I need to show her tomorrow." I was like f**k she's never "odd" at horse shows. She loves horse shows. So, I asked what went wrong. To sum in up in words that don't make since to almost everyone who reads this: she was dropping behind Linds's leg, hesitating in the corner, looking up at the flags, and stopped in the tripple combination. Roughtly Stella was not Stella. So this got in my head and if i didn't call you freaking out about it all (and the fact i found out Orinda has a job opening) you're lucky.
So Lindsay rode her Friday am and let me know that my true Stella was back. "I just dropped the reins and kicked her around and it was so much fun." Linds said with a BIG ass grin on her face (i could hear the grin over the phone). A weight was lifted off my shoulders and I arrived at the show feeling much better. At 4pm that Friday I rode and rode great in the warm up ring and was excited to ride the course. To sum that up, it went well but we stopped at on fience but it was jump it or crash though the fience and die... so i'm okay with the stop. No ribbon but that's understandable... so i drove home not needing to return 'til 4 the next day.
Now the next day was the Dash-For-Cash (an open class so I ride aganst profesionals). I get to the show around 3 watch other people from my barn and look at the course for the night. It looked like fun. There was an option with three fences in the middle of the course that you had to pick two of them to do for #s 5 and 6 and the other two for #s 9 and 10. It looked fun. As I walked the course with Lindsay she was incouriging me to take tight turns and go quick. So 6pm can around (my parents drove up to watch!!!!) and I watch the first couple go, I go 16th our of 25 or so. Butterflys grew in my stomic but people were riding well and doing different things with the opptions.
I got on and did my best to warm up slowly (the less time i have before i go into the ring the better). I get warmed up and I go it. I go quick and have the third rail down, do the first option great (tight bending three) and keep going. I do the second option (curve in two) and tip up her neck and get rail two (8 sec. added) I finish up with the fastest time, 78 sec. Two seconds faster than the person in the lead but with eight second added I am in 5th. I watch my past trainer go, other people i know go and hope I don't get moved down too much. All in all I ended up 8th (not to bad for my first open level night class.
Sunday: Now Linds and I were worried i'd have a horse ready to run off her feet for me after or class yesterday so today was about learning from the day before and getting the horse I want next week for LA. Simmilar course as the day before. I go, get lucky in a few places, ride great in others and am clean in my first round. Didn't know I was clean but get "yelled" at to be told I am. I go over my jump off (this is where speed matters) and I go. Stella is a super star. We fly. We go a bit wide around one corner but keep going and don't louse speed. I do the last two fences great (a steady five) and am... once again... FAST! I was winning until the last horse went in and beat me by a quarter of a second (by leaving out a step on the last line). But second aint too bad.
Now on Wednesday I fly down to San Juan Capistron for my last show befor I'm up to Canada for Spruce Meadow!
So Lindsay rode her Friday am and let me know that my true Stella was back. "I just dropped the reins and kicked her around and it was so much fun." Linds said with a BIG ass grin on her face (i could hear the grin over the phone). A weight was lifted off my shoulders and I arrived at the show feeling much better. At 4pm that Friday I rode and rode great in the warm up ring and was excited to ride the course. To sum that up, it went well but we stopped at on fience but it was jump it or crash though the fience and die... so i'm okay with the stop. No ribbon but that's understandable... so i drove home not needing to return 'til 4 the next day.
Now the next day was the Dash-For-Cash (an open class so I ride aganst profesionals). I get to the show around 3 watch other people from my barn and look at the course for the night. It looked like fun. There was an option with three fences in the middle of the course that you had to pick two of them to do for #s 5 and 6 and the other two for #s 9 and 10. It looked fun. As I walked the course with Lindsay she was incouriging me to take tight turns and go quick. So 6pm can around (my parents drove up to watch!!!!) and I watch the first couple go, I go 16th our of 25 or so. Butterflys grew in my stomic but people were riding well and doing different things with the opptions.
I got on and did my best to warm up slowly (the less time i have before i go into the ring the better). I get warmed up and I go it. I go quick and have the third rail down, do the first option great (tight bending three) and keep going. I do the second option (curve in two) and tip up her neck and get rail two (8 sec. added) I finish up with the fastest time, 78 sec. Two seconds faster than the person in the lead but with eight second added I am in 5th. I watch my past trainer go, other people i know go and hope I don't get moved down too much. All in all I ended up 8th (not to bad for my first open level night class.
Sunday: Now Linds and I were worried i'd have a horse ready to run off her feet for me after or class yesterday so today was about learning from the day before and getting the horse I want next week for LA. Simmilar course as the day before. I go, get lucky in a few places, ride great in others and am clean in my first round. Didn't know I was clean but get "yelled" at to be told I am. I go over my jump off (this is where speed matters) and I go. Stella is a super star. We fly. We go a bit wide around one corner but keep going and don't louse speed. I do the last two fences great (a steady five) and am... once again... FAST! I was winning until the last horse went in and beat me by a quarter of a second (by leaving out a step on the last line). But second aint too bad.
Now on Wednesday I fly down to San Juan Capistron for my last show befor I'm up to Canada for Spruce Meadow!
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