Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Monday, October 30, 2006
Fall Back

Anywas, it was fun. The loads of people were a bit hard to handle. The fact Apple Jacks fell asleep at 8pm durring the Pot Luck dinner with all these people i didn't know around me and left me to survive wasn't to bad. (It was his grumpy, i feel sick, pre coffee pissyness that truly was annoying.) I did some great climbs. The longest climb I've ever done at 60 meters. It was a great climb with a great view of a medow and the opposite side wall of the valley. And dispite my nerviousness about being around 20+ strangers (I knew six of them before I came) it wasn't that bad. Nature is a beautiful thing.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
New Addition To The Side Bar
Disney has ruined many a generation

It's 7:56am and I'm laying in bed totally not wanting to get up when I hear "rrrrvvvooom" going down the road near my house. You know what I hate? I hate that there is a part of me that hopes that thinks this is Apple Jacks on his motorcycle coming to say good morning, coming to surprise me 'cause we didn't have a chance to talk last night. Is this possible? Not really. a) his motorcycle is not 100% put back together. b) he should be either in a train or a car on his way to work c) my house is in NO way shape of form on the way to his work.
Why am I like this? I can only think of one thing that has perpetually made these dreams of being put on a pedestal, being made to feel like a princess, on one thing... Disney. Years of Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Little Mermaid, even Robin Hood telling me that my prince will come and sweep me off my feet. He will be cute and charming and bring me little thoughtful gifts for no reason. He'll chase down every women in the kingdom to try on a shoe just 'cause we dance all night. He will charge though a forest of thicket and slay a dragon. He'll battle the witch of vanity to save me. He'll fall in love with my song and still fall in love with my voiceless charm and beauty. He'll battle my evil uncle to right the wrongs of the world.
These are my example of love, of romance. At times do they make me want to puke? Yes. But at others I want a guy who will sleep on my parents porch to see me first thing in the morning 'cause he couldn't wait (My father for my mom.)
I know life is never a movie. I know life is never perfect. I know these are dreams. I just hate that they are dreams. I hate their impossibility, they non reality.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
AIA vs Apple Jacks
All in all it was great. Abbie made an effort to be comfortable with him, which is saying a lot for a two year old. He talked a bunch with Ian about cars and other stuff that I partially zoned out for. He talk with both Ian and Amy about Syracuse (yes I did have to look up how to spell it and yes they all went to the same college). I totally zoned out for that, something about crazy squirrels and dorms and different restaurants. I wanted to interject about the squirrel that got shaved at Lewis and Clark but I couldn't get a word it. That and Abbie was way more entertaining than the conversation about a dark, cold, gray place I've been to once.
At one point Apple Jacks tickled Abbie's feet and it made me smile. The cutest thing was when she walked off to bed and said "Night Night Apple Jacks." (No she did not say Apple Jacks but I'm still not ready for his name to go, though most people who read this know who he is... but it's way more fun to call him Apple Jacks.)
All in all it was good. I got the call the next morning for the AIA update/approval of Mr. Apple Jacks. And that I will keep to myself. That's mine at the moment. If you need to know I'm sure I'll tell you soon but in all everyone can know it was great food, decent wine, and good conversation.
Monday, October 16, 2006
My weekend
On another note. Apple Jacks. Yes, things are still good. I would have liked for him to come to the horse show but he was up in Seattle for work and to hang out with some friends. He had one realization while gone that he told me about that I feel is blog worthy. That is, it's hard to have friends who live far away. (No Shit... Try your three closest friends living far away!) I think, or hope at least, that he has a new grasp on what my friendships with my three away girls is like. Who knows, he's a boy, I'll never understand what goes on in his head.
But Apple Jacks may be blessed with a new name and a character to go with it.

Sunday, October 15, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Willow Springs
Here a map of the track. The key hole on the upper left brings you up hill. Turn three goes up, four is flat, and five is down hill. The rest is flat. Turn four is the only turn that I wasn't floored coming out. It was an amazing track, fast. Exited turn 1 at 85, turn 2 at 90. I entered turn 8 at 100-105.
What was the best, and is always my favorite, part is the instructing. My student was great. He was a quick learner, had smooth hands, great at tracking out (the exit part of the turn). By his last run he was entering the fast turns at the same speed I was (he had more horse power [as most do out there] so was able to get up to speed out of the corners faster than I was) and being smooth, safe, and carrying that speed well. He didn't exit as fast as I did, but he was doing great.
What was also great was my former student from Button Willow who was back down again. He had a different instructor, which is good. He's chipped his S4 Avant, got tiers, and soon will get breaks. He was having a blast out there. It was great to see his use the basics I drilled into him the first time. Two rules: 1) You don't brake while turning or turn while you're still braking. 2) Whatever speed you enter a corner, that's the speed you picked, you can't lift and go slower or break or anything. That's the speed you picked, that's what you, at the very least have to maintain.
It was a good, long, exhausting, two days.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
New Roomies
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
This has been a hard week for me. Starting at midnight on Saturday night or Sunday morning all depending... it started to unravel. I guess I started to unravel. It was almost like PMS... yet not the right time for that. So I've become nit-picky... Temperamental... Needy... Short fused... and roughly a bit unstable. And of course who is most effected by this but Apple Jacks. Who do I lean on, pull on, want everything from... but Apple Jacks...
Is this where I want to be when we've only known each other a month? NO! I am I putting pressure on myself because I'm putting pressure on him? YES! Do I want to do that? Hells, NO! Ugh, so am I only making myself pissier and shorter fused 'cause I'm pushing... which is making me push more... AHHHH it's a f-ing spiral. Maybe I just need a but load of chocolate... or some shopping!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Egg On My Face
Tonight, I sit at the table with AIA, I'm babysitting, and squeal, "So, I'm seeing someone." And they look at me straight faced and say, "We know, you Dad told us." Ugh... Here is my closest family branch and I got caught sharing something big with other branches. But, they had fun making fun of me, and then asked questions. They'll meet him soon. You ready Apple Jacks?