Being a horse person, I'm quite fearful that saying ANY of this is a total jinx, but at the same time after this weekend I'm also feeling quite confident. Fateful last words, right. Oh, well I'm going to say it anyway. Stella's back. We just had a funaminal weekend. We had several clear rounds. We jumped some GREAT jumps. After some convincing on Lindsay's part I only had a lesson on Saturday, no showing and decided to go on Sunday in the Open (that's Jr., Amateur, and Professionals) Class. The $7500 Woodside Classic. Well, we kicked ass. Out of 30+ competitors only 8 made it into the jump off, Stella and I being one of them. Out we went, laying a carful and clean round. Meaning we weren't super fast, but we didn't hit any rails. So over all we go 3rd. For feeling like we were having a hard time coming back into the show season, I now feel like we're in full swing. Two more shows until Canada! Come on Stell-Bells lets BRING IT!