Okay i'll admit it. I LOVE america's next top model. I don't always agree with who wins. This season I haven't figured out who's my favorite, but i'm into it. I want to know when they dress up like faries (there are pic. of them as faries so...) Well, You should watch it. Wed. at 8p, and don't wory if you miss it, 'cause the last weeks show is on the Tue. night before. WATCH IT PEOPLE!!!!!
Top Model
i think i like molly sue. and of course, i love to hate jade. and i just hate furonda.
my two cents.
and is it just me, or is tyra getting a little over the top?
Tyra is over the top, but hey if you were a victoria secret model, have your own talk show, and your own reality show you'd be a bit over the top too. Ms. J is the one who's a bit annyoing over the top, he's become such a character. I like Molly Sue too. And i love Jade, someone has to be the bad guy and if she's that she'll be on the show a few more episodes than she should be. Hey, it's a stratigy.
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