Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A "job"

Well, I got a "job". I've been working for the last month in a kindergarten classroom 'cause the teacher has a busted knee. Last Tuesday night she found out her knee Dr. Wasn't going to let her come back. When she asked her Dr. If she could come back before the end of the year he said her knee was "like putting an egg back together." I had to go to San Diego for a horse show so I knew i had one strike against me. That and I'm missing the last three days of school (for another horse show [shhh don't tell]). So i knew i wasn't the best choice for them to replace this teacher, but i had been in there for a month already... Anyways, Friday i get a call to have me work on Monday. Monday I'm leaving and they tell me I'm working Tuesday. Tuesday morning I'm waiting for the lesson plans and the principal and another kinder teacher are talking in the hall. The principal turns to ask me if I can do the job. I say yes. She begs to get me to stay for the last three days and i let her know i can't. Well all in all I got the job and am now in a tug between what the teacher wants to see happen and what the teacher wants to see happen... Ugh. But I like the kids, and the class, and the work so.... Yeah for me!


Anonymous said...


Aundra said...

Yeah it's only until the start of June.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.