Monday, July 31, 2006

Da Fam

Okay, so I just got back from a family reunion of almost 70 people in a small town in the rocky mountains where
a) my cell didn't work and that didn't matter 'cause I didn't bring a charger anyways
b) my aunt told me how I should look into getting liposuction for those "pesky saddle bags" because it was great for her (she's now a bit of a fat old lady)
c) I was reminded of a "two" date stand I had with a guy who's good friends with one of my cousins (it was really bad and I'd rather not re live it EVER EVER EVER again)
e) my mom tried to set me up with one of my second cousins (He's cute and you're far enough apart {I think she had a little to drink but luckily Amy nipped that one in the bud for me with a simply put EWWW})
f) I feel FLAT on my face while mountain biking (All is well no worries)
g) I lost my favorite most precious necklace that I've been wearing for 6 years

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