Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I'm a time person. My clock in my car is 5 min fast. I can probably count the times I've been late to ANYTHING the past couple months on one hand. If I am ever late I call. I have this one family I tutor for and there are times she is late and she always calls a good 5-10 min before our scheduled time, tells me where she is, and about how much longer until she's home with her kids. If my trainers are going to be late for a lesson they always call me about 15-30 min before my lesson to tell me how late. I have no issue with being late. It happens, traffic, lost track of time, something you're doing took longer than you though, you were folding underwear and just wanted to get it done. I understand, it's normal, but it's rude not to communicate your tardiness to the people who are waiting for you. It implies that your time is more valuable than others, that your time is so much more important that you can't call them so they can do their own valuable things with their own time. It's just rude, inconsiderate, and selfish.

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