Sunday, September 09, 2007


Lots has happened.
Apple Jacks and I have been dating a year! Who'd a Thunk. We had one of the best anniversaries I've ever had. He took me to a great dinner and surprised me with tickets to the one and only Silversun Pickups! He even bought them early (having to sign up on a radio website) so they wouldn't sell out!!! Thank You Babe!
We Urbans welcome Violet to the world. That's right, my sister-in-law, Amy, popped and the baby. This one was born when she was due and not three days late and three pounds heavier like Abbie.
I went to a track event and it was wonderfully uneventful! I've realised I can't make my car go any faster without putting more money into it. Ugh, too many expensive hobbies.
I went to Iowa and came back. I saw Emily and Steve. Meet their dog Rudra. I saw a lot of corn and sadly no glow bugs, but all my back east friends say that's good, 'cause I'd only see them if it was humid.
I think that's it... but the first two are big, not to under cut the last two.

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