WARNING: If you have a weak stomach I suggest you skip this post.
On Saturday I was at the barn finishing up getting Lux ready to ride. I was putting on her bridal when she side stepped and crunched my foot. Being the smart horse she is, when she felt something funny under her foot she teisted around on it to look at it. As she did this I yanked on her, trying to get her to step off me. When i did this is just caused her to pushed down harder before she stepped off.
This time felt like it was minutes but I know it wasn't. As the realization hit me that my foot was searing in pain, I chocked out words to the other girl getting her pony ready to tie Lux back up and get another grownup.
I hobbled, screaming and crying (beyond crying, though i don't know what word that would be) into the tack room and laid on the ground. My trainers came running in and got me ice, took off my boot and put my foot up. My pinky toe was a bit bloody, but that was it. The mud and the way my boot leather was twisted was the only thing I had at that point to show the trauma I felt.
I kept screaming quietly and shaking my hands trying to get the hot burning pain out of my body when my mom showed up. She was coming out to video me and luckily she showed up right then. With her motherly wisdom she nixed my idea of putting a boot back on and riding and told me she was bringing me to the emergency room.
Three hours, five x-rays and no fun pills later, they tell me it isn't broke and I'll be fine in a couple of days. Oh, and I need a tetanus shot. That hurt more than my foot.
Well, a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Too my slight disappointment the colors aren't as vivid in the pictures and my foot isn't nearly as colorful as I hoped, but it is puffy.
Day 1>

Day 2>

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