Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Apple Jacks and I have been dating a year and half now.  This are things and trucking along.  One thing that alway worried me was the friend thing.  His friends, who seem to be a lot of girls, have become my friends, or at least people who I hang out with.  I haven't alway been comfortable calling them my friends.  Most of my friends, Ms. M, Ms. T, and Ms. E all live far away.  As time has gone on these women have become people who I hang out with without Apple Jacks and more and more my friends. So I thought a blog post should be there for them. 

 So here's B, Jen, The Ma, and Me and B's birthday cocktails.
Good times had by all! 


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

AU! i got a tear in my eye reading this. you are a great friend! :)