Sunday, November 16, 2008


Having had an emotionally agitated week I went drinking, I'm sorry wine tasting, with Ma and her friend G-money. People frequently say, "go have a drink" after a long or volitial week, but really is that the best thing to do? Alcohol is a depresent. I know, dispite the giggley high I feel after having a few drinks, the lack of self contiousness, the loud boysterous, I feel a draging dark low. I feel self pitty, self loathing that encompases all. If I could hold my liquor better... Well, I could see how people become alcoholics.
But this leads me to why... I mean is the high worth the low. The low that is so much deeper then the place you started at, the place that "encouraged" you to go a bit past tipsey. "look all my problems melted away!" no, not at all. With a few drinks, dispite the inishal high, buzz, as some call it, your problems will feel deeper, more consuming. So why, why is alcohol or social lubricant? Why is it our "solution"? Don't we know better? No, I don't think we do. I think the instant gratification of a buzz is too strong. It beats out the known low. ugh

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