Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas... yeah I fixed it

Yesterday, I was totally excited about Christmas. Not only is all my shopping done but so is all my wrapping. I have two gifts for my dad, one gift for mom (she's really hard to shop for), one gift for Oma, three gifts for Amy, one for Ian, two for Tao, four for Apple Jacks and four for Abbie. I can't fit my family's gifts into one bag. I think, i did well this year, in terms of getting people useful, good surprising gifts... well except for mom but I already told her Apple Jacks didn't think it was right... and he's found the ability to channel her (freaky.. but that will be an other entry) so he probably knows better. When I was little I use to draw pictures for my brothers and call it "art" and a gift. Ah, the life of a child in an art focused family. I also use to go into the sport closet and pull out some of my dad's fishing flies, put them in a new box and "re-gift" them, but I think I did that more for his birthday than Christmas.
But I love Christmas. I love buying people gifts. I especially love getting gifts. I love the Christmas lights, the sent of pine in the air. I'm not as crazy about the holidays as Amy, she starts the Christmas carols the day after thanksgiving, but seeing the tree in Tilden Park all lit up makes me smile.


Anonymous said...

WHAT!!! You got Apple Jacks as many gifts as you got for Me ! I thought I was the most important person on your list! Auntie whats up? Hmmmm I don't think you're done shopping yet.........

Tasha said...

Four gifts? What is up with that? I mean, I guess I got 3 gifts from you, so I'm not complaining, but I am just amazed at your ability to get multiple people multiple presents. My family and friends are lucky if I a) remember their birthdays, and b) get my shit together enough to actually buy them more than a bottle of wine/their favorite liquor.

Amy Urban said...

3 gifts for me!!!!!Whoppeee!