Monday, January 29, 2007

Thurmal Week 1

Okay, the show season has started again. This year we kick it off at a new facility down in Thurmal CA near Palm Springs, about five min. from the old facility. Overall, it was new. Trees still tied up, footing not settled, tents not up. It's like anything new, it needs some time to grow into itself. And I guess in a way I need to grow into my riding at this facility. With that, I'll say at least I get to go back down and prove myself next weekend.


akd said...

can't wait to hear how you do.
good luck.

Tasha said...

my favorite part of talking to you over the weekend was when you complained about being freezing. and then when i went, "what the fuck?" you said, "well, it's like 68 degrees but i was in the shade." and? it was snowing here. love it.

Aundra said...

yeah but i was only wearing a t-shirt. If it was snowing I'd at least have a sweeter.

Tasha said...

It is -16 degrees C here today. I did the conversion (well, the computer did it for me), and that is 3.2 degrees F. Also, it is supposed to feel like -28 C, which is -16 F. THAT is cold.