Wednesday, April 19, 2006

MFing Orinda

So i'm in the teacher's loung of the Orinda school where i've commited a week of my time to teach a rough group of kindergarteners and an other sub, whom i've meet before, looks at me and goes "You're fully credentialed right?" I say "Yes." "Oh," she says, "because one of the first grade teachers is retiering and there is an opeing." "That's funny," I say. "Because Juanita just told me there weren't any opeings or interviews going on. Well, maybe they've already filled it."
Than later durring lunch I hear an upper level teacher talk about how she's moving to Vermont. "It's so hard to find a house when you live 3000 miles away." Oh so wait i think i'm decent at math (much stronger than my spelling) and that adds up to two(2) opeings. Two openings at one school... that i heard about in one day. Mother Fuckers!

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